

Look for answers not exits

The NFL Draft once again breathed hope into franchises across the league, from the Chicago Bears, which selected a Heisman Trophy winning quarterback, to the Washington Commanders, which picked LSU’s standout signal caller.


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Stanely remembered as local legend

Mike Stanley, a former Western Iowa Conference Athletic Director, and local legend, passed away in late March and continues to be the topic of heartwarming stories and remembrances.There is little doubt that memories of Stanley…

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Hamburg golf 5-3-24

Boys4-29 at Rock PortKeith Thompson, 36Payton Ashlock, 49Ian Thompson, 514-22 at Fremont County CourseKeith Thompson, medalist, 36Payton Ashlock, 51, 4th placeIan Thompson, 594-16 at Rock Port TRIKeith Thompson, 33Ian Thompson, 534-13, at Crestwood HillsCAM, Jahde…

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Look for answers not exits

The NFL Draft once again breathed hope into franchises across the league, from the Chicago Bears, which selected a Heisman Trophy winning quarterback, to the Washington Commanders, which picked LSU’s standout signal caller.
